healty lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle

Need advices for a healthy lifestyle?

Small changes to your lifestyle can reduce your risk of having stroke. Of course, changing your habits is not always easy. Your health care team can tell you which risk factors you should focus on first and which goals are realistic for you.

Don’t try to change all your habits overnight. Start with a relatively simple change and use that first success as a stepping stone.

Eat a healthy diet

Even small changes in your diet can have a significant impact on your health. Balanced meals and healthy snacks help you :

  • Increase your intake of healthy foods;
  • Reduce your weight;
  • prevent high blood pressure;
  • Control your blood sugar levels;
  • Lower your cholesterol;
  • Increase your energy level.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. They are also low in calories, fat and sodium (salt). They help lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight.

Choose the right fats

Not all fats are the same. Saturated and trans fats raise cholesterol levels. Other types of fats or oils, called unsaturated fats, help prevent the formation of plaque on the inner lining of the blood vessels.

Choose high-fibre foods

The best sources of fibre are vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes like lentils. Eating fibre helps you lower your cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight.

Eat less salt

Reducing your sodium (salt) intake can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by approximately one-third. Most of the salt you eat comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. Here are some tips to help you reduce your salt intake.

Drink a lot

Adults should drink at least a liter and a half a day! Or more if it is very hot or if they are physically active. It is best to drink water, naturally, whether it is tap water, mineral water, sparkling or still water, plain or flavored. You can also drink fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk or other beverages from time to time.

Eat less added sugar

Added sugar provides energy in the form of calories, but has no other nutritional benefit. When we don’t need those calories, we store them as fat. Healthy eating guidelines do not specify the amount of sugar that should be consumed. However, it is certain that you will maintain a healthy weight if you reduce your sugar intake.

Lose Weight

Being overweight can lead to the development of many diseases after smoking. Willpower, a lot of effort and patience are the keys to change your bad habits and have a healthy lifestyle. It is a matter of keeping a maximum of pleasure while respecting the rules set at the beginning. Of course, you should not set goals that are too hard from the start, otherwise you will not be able to keep up. Instead, set regular goals so that you can continue to enjoy yourself.

Doing Sport

Lack of exercise is the cause of many heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. You don’t have to do a lot from the start, start with a few minutes in the morning: you will already feel the change and your desire to practice sports will grow more and more!

Working out doesn’t have to mean going to the gym for two hours every night after work. When you are looking for a healthy lifestyle, it’s all about staying active, because an inactive body is a body that accumulates the wrong calories without ever eliminating them, which inevitably leads to overweight, if not obesity.

Reduce Stress

Stress is the cause of many diseases (depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.). In addition, stress does not help you quit smoking or drink in moderation, quite the contrary.

To take another step towards a healthy lifestyle by reducing your stress, it is first necessary to identify its cause (or rather its source) in order to work on it. Generally, the most known sources of stress are: work, studies (or exams) for students, family or relationship problems…

These very uncomfortable situations can quickly put you into a bad routine, a vicious circle that will eventually make your life unbearable, and what you want is to have a healthy life. Try to change your habits rather than focusing on what is causing you so much trouble.

Read more here: How To Stay Healthy?