Men's Health

Potencialex against Impotence

Erectile function can be affected by both lifestyle and health factors. Impotence can be promoted by a poor lifestyle. It is possible to prevent impotence by taking the right steps. We will examine which factors increase impotence and which ones improve potency.

A Healthy Lifestyle is Key to Potency

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which men experience erectile dysfunction. There are many factors that can play a role in this. Potency, among other things is heavily dependent on your physical health. People who ignore their health as they age should be concerned about the consequences.

These behaviors are indicative of a unhealthy lifestyle:

  • Lack of exercise means no sports
  • Unbalanced and fatty diet
  • Regular alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Stress and sleep deprivation

Erection is a complicated process. This requires both a healthy hormonal balance and the transmission stimuli via nerve pathways. When the body is not in good health, at least one of these functions is affected. But you can overcome Impotence with Potencialex. This is one of the best natural supplements that works immediately and without side effects: Potencialex Original

Age-related Causes

Age can have a significant impact on physical functions like potency. The body’s performance will decrease over time. The age on an identity card does not always make a difference. The biological age is more important, as it reflects our current state of health.

A healthy lifestyle is a way for men to lower their biological age. This is possible even if it’s too late. The more the biological age is lowered, the stronger the body will become. There is a greater chance that all the metabolic processes required for erection will run smoothly. It is possible to reverse erectile dysfunction caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.


Adiposity is also known to be pathological obesity. Particularly dangerous is abdominal fat. Doctors refer to mild to moderate obesity as a man whose abdomen measures at least 94cm. A person who has a circumference measuring to the level of the belly button that exceeds 102 cm is considered severely overweight.

In many ways, obesity can cause erectile dysfunction. First, fatty tissue can cause hormone disruptions. The body requires a certain amount testosterone to achieve erection. The highly active fatty tissues convert testosterone into estrogen. Erection becomes more difficult as testosterone levels fall. Other side effects of testosterone deficiency can also have a negative effect on potency. It can also cause a decrease in sexual desire and a loss of muscle mass.

Obesity can affect more than just the hormonal balance. Obesity can lead to higher blood fat levels which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Diabetes, also known by the name diabetes, is favoured in its development.

Exercise and Sport are Good Ways to combat Impotence

Many men deal only with health issues when they have experienced physical limitations or illnesses. They are often overburdened when it is time to change their lifestyle. A plan is necessary to help improve your physical condition and restore your erectile function. It is impossible to reverse years of poor lifestyle choices by eating more fruits and vegetables.

If you are uncomfortable discussing erectile dysfunction with your family doctor, it is important to inform them. It is sufficient to tell your family doctor that you are interested in improving your health and thereby improving your quality of your life. There are many benefits to a sports and nutrition program. You can adjust the intake of calories and nutrients to your age and health. A personal exercise program (ideally weight training), takes into consideration one’s lifestyle and can be adapted to suit his needs.

Potency Food

Healthy eating habits can improve your overall health. There are also foods that increase potency. This effect can be caused by two factors if it is consumed frequently. Certain foods increase blood circulation, which can be beneficial for erection. There are also minerals and nutrients that can balance testosterone levels and increase the production of the sexhormone. If you adopt a healthy diet and consume Potencialex daily you will notice powerful changes in your sex life: Potencialex Buy