Men's Health

How does Potencialex help when one suffers from Impotence?

An unpleasant mix of emotions can develop as soon as erectile problems occur. This is often true for both the affected men and their partners. The backgrounds and questions affected men ask and their partners are often quite different. It is clear that talking to your partner is the best way to address erectile dysfunction. We would like to first examine the perceptions of affected men and their partners.

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The Point of view for the affected Men

Potency is a part of the social image and masculinity of men. Men’s self-esteem, self-confidence and ability to erection are at least partially affected by their ability to conceive. This image can be severely disturbed if erectile dysfunction is present. This often negative term is not thought of as a first. It has been ignored and never learned.

Pre-programmed Emotional Chaos

The affected man is left with a chaotic mix of emotions. Erectile dysfunction can lead to feelings of failure, as it is a key factor in self-esteem. The affected man no longer feels like a man because a part of his masculinity has been lost. Fears of failure are heightened by this. What happened once could happen again. Shame is an inevitable part of the fear of failure. For those affected, the perceived unmanliness can be embarrassing. Along with the fear of failing, there’s the danger of a downward spiral in shocks to self-esteem and image. This can lead to avoidance strategies, and in certain cases, the end of a sexual relationship.

Anxiety can also make the situation worse. Many men believe that a satisfying sex life is a part of a relationship, which is why they fear losing their partner. He can’t promise his partner sexual fulfillment so she will go after another man. Even though he is rational enough to know that a breakup doesn’t usually happen quickly, the thought persists.

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This could be due to the social image of masculinity that promotes potency as an essential part of masculinity. If it is made public that the man has erectile dysfunction, it could lead to ridicule. Even though the potential consequences are clearly more important than the fear of being known, the spiral will be further tightened by the fear of it becoming public.

Many people who are affected feel shame and fear and withdraw. A second social stereotype of masculinity is that men don’t talk about their feelings or problems. The affected man feels trapped in a web made up of shame, fears, and incapability to talk about them. Problems in the relationship can result as the man often refuses to show tenderness and does not tell the partner. This spiral of fear and erectile dysfunction can make it difficult to have social contact.

This can only make the anxiety worse and make the worst fears of the man come true. Often, the affected men are not able to see the problem or simply cannot get out. Most men are just as concerned about their health and well-being as the doctor.

From the Point of view of the Partner

Erectile dysfunction can also affect the female partner. They feel rejected and are exposed to a partner they don’t know. The woman’s image is damaged and her image as a partner is damaged because the partner doesn’t talk about the problem. This can lead to worsening situations, especially if the woman seeks out the conversation or puts pressure on him.

The self-doubt that follows is quickly triggered. The partner doesn’t see the reason behind the rejection and will naturally search for an explanation. The attractiveness of the partner is often questioned. She also looks back at her past actions to see if there were any mistakes. This can quickly make the woman wonder if her partner is still in love with her, or if she has a boyfriend.

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It is important that the female partner also deals with erectile dysfunction. We get many mails from women asking how to have a discussion with their partner.

Women are often confused about how to handle impotence. The partner is more concerned about the situation than the conversation. The partner’s inability to talk and withdrawal is what causes them the most pain. Most female partners agree that there is a way to solve the problem of erectile disfunction if the partners talk about it.

Why do Men value Erectile function so highly?

It is difficult to explain or conclude the strong link between potency in male social and personal image. One factor is certain to be evolutionary influences and the evolution of human society over the millennia. The erectile ability of men was an important part of all cultures, and this connection has been reflected in the arts and religions.

This image plays an important role in education today, at least subconsciously. The media image of masculinity is clearer. There are certain images and clichés that we associate with sexuality in today’s society.

The scientific debate about the topic does not provide any tangible help for the men involved. We don’t want talk about impotence because it has negative connotations. Instead, we need to take a simple first step towards finding a solution. The first step is to understand that by engaging in the above behavior, he does not harm himself or his partner.

The penis is an early Warning System

This second insight is important and should not be overlooked. Erectile dysfunction may be a sign of serious illnesses. These could include diabetes, heart disease, thyroid dysfunction, and arteriosclerosis. To determine the cause of erectile dysfunction, it is important to consult a doctor. It is important to be diagnosed promptly if you suspect that you have a serious disease. It is crucial to get treatment as soon as possible.

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